
All undergraduate courses, with exceptions for specialized programs requiring in-person instruction, will be held online for the fall 2023 semester. GW will provide on-campus housing for a limited number of undergraduate students who have extenuating personal or academic circumstances. Residential students will attend courses online and will be expected to comply with public health and safety measures including social distancing, mask wearing and regular testing for COVID-19. Additionally, most graduate programs will be conducted online, with certain programs holding discipline-specific in-person classes.


Please continue to monitor our resources for updates and information and learn more about how the Federal CARES Act funding was distributed to our students.



No matter what subjects we pursue, we’ve all come here to

change the course of history.















3d printer


Groups of students and faculty members from across disciplines collaborated to find immediate responses to the needs of health care professionals at GW Hospital. The group represented the Corcoran School of Art and Design, School of Engineering and Applied Science, GW Hospital, the GW Innovation Center, student organization George Hacks and others—who worked together to develop and manufacture much needed protective gear and protocols. Using a 3-D printing farm, they produced 200 face shields in under a week. 

家常佛跳墙,食材居然这么便宜,在家也能尝到! - 简书:佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。相传,它是在清道光年间由福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出来的。佛跳墙富含营养,可促进发育,美容,延缓衰老,增强免疫力,乃进补佳 …,” said James Huckenpahler, an adjunct digital lab instructor in the Corcoran.


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GW Today, GW's official online news source
  • Important Fall Update: Adjusting GW’s On-Campus Plans
    • July 27, 2023
    • GW leadership announces all undergraduate and most graduate classes to be online in fall semester.

  • GW to Conduct Clinical Trial for COVID-19 Experimental Vaccine
  • GWSB Professor Vanessa Perry Receives Multicultural Mentoring Award
  • Donor Contributions Make a Difference for GW Students



Three students talking at the Lincoln Memorial

Support Students Through GW Cares

The GW Cares Student Assistance Fund assists any undergraduate or graduate student facing financial hardship, including in paying for housing, food or technology expenses; offsetting income from lost part-time jobs; or subsidizing transportation for those traveling home to complete the spring semester virtually.



The GW community has furthered their commitment to service by continuing volunteer efforts and service-learning projects throughout the pandemic. Amy Cohen, executive director of the GW Honey W. Nashman Center for Civic Engagement and Public Service, said “students and faculty have worked hard to adapt their goals and continue to connect scholarship to service, taking their service online or serving their home communities in new ways.”


"Thomas Buergenthal visited my Holocaust class @GWtweets today and I’ll never forget it. It was the first time in my life hearing from a Holocaust survivor directly. Research through text is one thing. Hearing directly from the person is another."

Gavin Coble

BA Political Science '19

















寻味记——佛跳墙的典故 - 知乎:2021-8-11 · 佛跳墙,又名满坛香、福寿全 ,是福建福州的当地名菜,属闽菜系。相传,它是在清道光年间由福州聚春园菜馆老板郑春发研制出来的。佛跳墙富含营养,可促进发育,美容,延缓衰老,增强免疫力,乃进补佳品。制作这道…

Collaboration, Respect, Openness and Diversity are core values that define the George Washington University (GW). The Accessibility Notice and Equal Opportunity (EO) Statement shared here reflect our desire to make this a welcoming and inclusive space for all students, visitors and members of our broader community.



The George Washington University (GW) is committed to making all web properties and web content accessible and usable for everyone, including people with disabilities, by employing principles of universal design and striving to conform to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0.

If you experience a barrier that affects your ability to access GW websites, videos or other digital content, please let us know.

佛跳墙:除了泄露数据的 VPN,DNS 测试工具也不靠谱:2021-2-27 · 近些年来,用户越来越注重隐私的保护,因此 VPN(无论免费还是付费)成了许多人接触网络世界的密匙。不过,许多人用起 VPN 来是病急乱投医,因此坏分子伊也打起了坏主意,他伊盯上了你的数据,而且让人无语的是,VPN 上的数据泄露都是偷偷摸摸的,如果不用工具测试都无法发现黑客伊在背后 ...

佛跳墙的做法_菜谱_香哈网:佛跳墙的做法 1. 准备食材 2. 鸡腿鸡脚和排骨飞水去血沫后,放入高压锅,加入一砂锅的水,煮沸20分钟,这期间可伍处理其他食材 3. 小白花胶加姜片煮沸捞起,换冷水泡发20分钟左右,剖片清洗花胶、洗净鱼 …